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  • Writer's pictureClaire MacBride

11 Hour Overnight Buses Suck…But I Wouldn’t Change It For A Second

Updated: Apr 25, 2018

Before coming on this trip, I would have never thought that Switzerland would be one of my destinations. But I can happily say, it was one of favorite places I have ever been!

We did not have many plans coming into this weekend trip. And I also did not really know what to expect from the city of Basel. We arrived there at night when the city was dark. It was hard to see and take in much of the city but our Uber driver pointed out a couple of places along the way. Waking up in the morning I realized how much I was going to fall in love with this place.

The sun was shining and it was finallllllyyyyyyy warm outside! The whole weekend we were in the 70 degree weather and I think I was in heaven! This city was like nothing I have seen before. I could honestly say that I would move here someday. Between seeing the mountains off in the distance, hearing the church bells from the cathedral, walking along side the Rhine river, seeing all of the people out and about, this place was felt like I belonged there. Blame it on the weather and expensive taste, I think I found my new home :).

I finally started working on my tan. Both days we were there I got to lie out in the sun and soak up the Vitamin D. I think this truly made me a better person! Laying next to the river with the sun shining down on me, I got to really appreciate the world we are living and being able to fully take in this journey I am on.

Sunday morning, we woke up to the unfortunate event of our flight being cancelled. This was due to a strike by France airlines. It had something to do with the workers being underpaid. Discovering, the day morning of the day we were suppose to leave this beautiful place, that we had no way home, left me feeling slightly uneasy. Being up in this situation, I realized that we were being tested. This really forced us all to figure out the situation on our own. We did not have help from our parents or teachers, this was all on us. How were we going to get back to Olomouc? After a couple hours of researching the cheapest options, coming to the acceptance of the 11 hour overnight bus we were about to take, and many, many, many, extra dollars later….we did it! We found our way home! Although it was not the most ideal way or more comfortable way to get home, we did! (Also, I will probably never again do any long period of time over night bus because that was experience I think I only need to experience once hahahha).

After purchasing our tickets and getting ready for the day, still a little bummed with how it all started out, I realized how grateful I was. Although the overnight bus sounded like torture, it meant that we got to spend a couple extra hours in my new favorite place on earth! In the sun, by the water, and surrounded by so many different people. This is what I love and this is why I am thankful for the flight cancelation and 11 hour overnight bus.

Finishing up this blog post 20 minutes before having to had it in, with about maybe 2 full hours of sleep under my bent, packed and ready to go for our next adventure tomorrow morning, I would not have changed this weekend for the world :). I will be back to Switzerland someday!

We had many ups and downs on our short weekend to Basel, Switzerland, but being here made me truly understand why I am doing all of this. Being on this trip, I have felt a lot of negativity and I have been very uncertain about the lesson this is all suppose to be teaching me. But this weekend I finally understood it. This is the adventure of a lifetime! For as long as I can remember I have wanted to do something like this and I am finally doing it! I need to remember that in the harder moments. I need to remember the happiness I felt from this place, from this weekend, everywhere I am in life.

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